Tonya Heathco

Terrific Tonya Heathco – Burns TN

Upon discovering the title of this chapter my thoughts turned to my ego spouting out, “This is the chapter of which I am an expert!” Then I began reading….
“If you are following this book with the intention of applying the knowledge
it conveys, your first test as to your PERSISTENCE will come when you
begin to follow the six steps described in the second chapter. ” These words hit me hard as I experienced a profound ‘ah-ha’ moment.  The years I have put into building National Seizure Disorders Foundation and whining  when times got tough came to me.  I remember whining “But, I am persistent! Why isn’t this easier???” The words above showed me today that all these years I have been comfortably persistent. Success requires persistence that many times makes us uncomfortable.  As pointed out in this chapter, one must follow the six steps in the second chapter in order to succeed the first test of persistence. What do I do when faced with the second chapter? I take a nap. Yep, my mind becomes overwhelmed and I shut down. I have yet to successfully complete the six steps in the second chapter. Wow! A chance to hone my persistence!
As I continue to read, another ah-ha moment flashes before me. DESIRE! Until now my minds eye was clouded to the link between desire and organization. This is why I move through each day with unsatisfactory results in business and in my personal life.  I have no desire to organize anything and run in circles wondering why I have trouble completing tasks in a timely manner. It’s time to put on my big girl pants and develop my desire to commit to organization in my business and personal life so that I can carry out my dream to help millions globally by building the largest most people friendly seizure disorders foundation on the planet.
Now that I have recognized my weakness in the area of persistence, I know to use the words in the chapter on Power and use my mastermind group to help me grow. One question resides: How will a mastermind group help me become more persistent at skills like organization? Please step up and share your words of wisdom. 
Thank you Michael and Linda for continuing to bring us the words of Think and Grow Rich so we can experience our own Ah-ha moments and continue to grow into our own success stories.
With Love and Respect for the entire group-
Terrific Tonya Heathco, Founder
National Seizure Disorders Foundation

Lesson plan from Tonya Heathco on chapter 9 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

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