The #1 Network Marketing Mistake: Trying To Sell

The people who tell you that to be successful in MLM, you’ve got to become a salesperson are … the salespeople! If you haven’t noticed, they are very arrogant. They believe that what they do is the ONLY correct way to do the business, and anyone who doesn’t do it THEIR way is a loser.

Don’t fall for it.

Trying To Sell Absolutely Does Not Work!

Ninety-two per-cent of the world’s population – like you and me – is sales resistant. They don’t like to sell. They don’t like to be sold. You go into a store, looking for a shirt or a pair of shoes, the sales clerk comes up, what do you say?

“I’m just looking.”

People do not want to be sold. And then you get into network marketing and some upline superstar space commander guru leader tells you, “OK. Start by making a list of your friends & family.” And the plan is to turn YOU into that pushy, aggressive salesperson that nobody likes.

Selling does not work in this business. Even if you’re one of the 8% of the population who can do it, you’ll never be able to duplicate, because 92% of the people who join you simply will not sell.

I go on websites and see brand new companies TODAY, and their “training” is, “Make a list of your friends & family.” That’s what the industry did 50 years ago. Today is a new day.

You can’t be successful trying to sell. Instead –

– You Have To Really Target Your Market

Find prospects who have raised their hand, and build relationships with those people. People buy from people they know, like, & trust. You have to build that relationship.

Building relationships with people is easy and fun, when you have a system that works. For more information on our magical relationship-building system and FREE training to boom your network marketing business and your income, go to Color To Success.

To Your Success,

From Mentoring for free’s trainings, a wonderful training on a big mistake people make in network marketing.

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