Russ Aker, Portland, Oregon, USA

Russ Aker, Portland, Oregon, USA

Chapter 8 Decisions
The Mastery of Procrastination
The Seventh Step toward Riches
Procrastination, the opposite of Decision, is a common
enemy which practically every person must conquer.
Hill says, “Analysis of several hundred people who had
accumulated fortunes well beyond the million dollar mark,
disclosed the fact that every one of them had the habit of
reaching decisions promptly, and of changing these
decisions slowly, if, and when they were changed. People
who fail to accumulate money, without exception, have the
habit of reaching decisions, if at all, very slowly, and of
changing these decisions quickly and often.
How many of you have gone from company to company
because the last one didn’t work.  We are always trying to
blame something or someone else for our lack of success
whether it is Network Marketing or something else in our
In network marketing, most people don’t know how to be
successful.  They were recruited by a hard selling
personality or on-line video which easily gets them to
believe – get-rich-quick.  They discover at some point they
are not going to get rich quick in that “opportunity”, they
jump from “opportunity to opportunity”.  Many people have
multiple “opportunities” going at one time, most of these
with promise of riches without personal investment of time,
effort, or money.  They soon find they must actually
upgrade to really have the slightest hope of an income and
have to pay for it.  It soon becomes a cycle of upgrading,
they are continually asked to pay more with the promise of
little effort in leveraging others and a big pay-out.  They
feel since they have given time and dollars to this point,
success is just around the corner, they continue the cycle. 
It is very similar to gambling, “if I just make one more bet,
or if I just move to the next machine (“business opportunity”).
The common link between all these people is their lack of
understanding the need to perform “Do Diligence” in
network marketing.  Most of these people have never been
in “any” business and don’t even know what “Do Diligence”
is.  If they have heard the term they don’t have the tools or
knowledge to perform it.  The heavy hitters convince them
they’ve performed it just by listening to their sales pitch or
video introductions to their “opportunity”.  “Do Diligence”
takes time and effort.  Most people are in a hurry and don’t
want to do the work.  So they never do anything.  They may
”decide” to stop before they start, or they “decide”  to take
the word of a fast talking salesperson or on-line video of
false promises.
Bottom line, you must begin to understand the industry,
study the company you are considering or currently in and
make sure you tap into a reliable mentoring system of
education that is willing to give without expectation of return.
Most people who fail to accumulate money sufficient for
their needs, are, generally, easily influenced by the
“opinions” of others. You’ll find almost everyone with
opinions ready to cast them upon anyone willing to accept
them. If you are influenced by “opinions” when you reach
decisions, you will not succeed in any undertaking, much
less in that of transmuting your own desire into its physical
Napoleon Hill says, “Be your own council”, when you begin
to put into practice the principles described in Think &
Grow Rich. “Do Diligence” for any venture would be wise
before engaging.  Be confident in following your own
decisions.  Except for members of your “trusted Master
Mind” group do not be influenced by the opinions of others. 
Hill says, “Be very sure in the selection of your group. 
Close friends and relatives, while not meaning too; often
handicap one through their “opinions.”
Hill gives many examples of decision making and stead
fast persistence in this chapter by such people as, Lincoln,
Socrates, Gen. Robert E. Lee, signers of the US
Declaration of Independence, John Hancock & Samuel
Adams to name a few.
Think of the logistics and timeline of messages and
communication.  Think of the importance these decisions
were for the United States at that time and how they affect
us today.  If you take the previous sentence into
consideration, don’t you think your correct decision to
actually take time to perform the “5-Pillars of Do Diligence
and select a corresponding mastermind group would be
wise in “your quest for Independence”.
Hill Says, “Throughout this philosophy will be found the
suggestion that thought, backed by strong DESIRE, has a
tendency to transmute itself into its physical equivalent. 
In your search for the secret of the method, DO NOT LOOK
FOR A MIRACLE, because you will not find it.  You will find
only the eternal laws of Nature. These laws are available to
every person who has the faith to use them.  There is no
charge save the time necessary to understand and
appropriate them.”
For those of you reading this review, it would be wise to
perform the Do Diligence on your current opportunity and
begin to question, is my company founded on the 5-Pillar
values?  If they are available to me in my current
opportunity, why have I continued to seek help and why
am I here using “Mentoring for Free”.  Perform an honest
inventory and see how many pillars you can line up with
your current opportunity.  Take note of this one fact, if you
are not able to absolutely list pillar #5 than the other four
pillars will not be sufficient for your success.  You will have
a DECISION to make.
Russ Aker
Portland, Oregon

Lesson plan from Russ Aker on chapter 8 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

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