Ken Klemm

Ken Klemm – Florida, USA

The Life of a Farmer, Part 5
8. (Decision). There is an optimal time for planting
each seed, or transplanting each plant that was started
indoors. Plant too soon, and a late frost may kill the
plants; plant too late, and the crops may not mature in
time for harvest.
There are optimal times for harvest as well. Broccoli
must be picked when the flowers are open fully, but
before they go to seed. (A few may be let go to seed
for future planting.)
When the timing is right, the farmer must take
IMMEDIATE ACTION. Procrastination is costly.
Indecision is a symptom of the poison of FEAR – fear of
criticism, especially self-criticism. ACTION is the
only antidote.
9. (Persistence). A sure way a farmer may kill his
career is to quit at the first sign of trouble. A
failed crop, a bad season, a series of bad seasons –
all are good reasons to quit. If none of these occur,
then the farmer bent on quitting will find other
reasons – or MANIFEST them himself through the Law of
There are folks who faithfully meditate each morning
and repeat their affirmations each evening, but allow
their minds to wallow in negative puke all day long.
They reap what they think about MOST of the time.
Every morning I write entries in my Gratitude Journal.
The last thing I do before sleep every night is hold my
Gratitude Rock and say “Thank You” aloud for the thing
I was most grateful for that day. Sometimes it’s tough
to pick my favorite, and I must spew a litany of “Thank
You’s”. I have thus developed an Attitude and Habit of
Gratitude, and notice things to be grateful for almost
every moment of each day.
Repeated, diligent daily action over a few weeks grows
the hard-wired neural pathways of HABIT, which lead to
CHARACTER, which determines DESTINY.
Your Friend and Servant,
Ken Klemm – Florida, USA
P.S. 8. Fear breeds hesitation until it becomes
crippling, while Action grows Courage.
P.S. 9. Persistent Action develops Unconscious
Competence, Indelible Courage, Irresistible Attraction,
and Unstoppable Success.

Lesson plan from Ken Klemm on chapter 9 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

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