Cool Your Temper in 3 Easy Steps

Cool Your Temper in 3 Easy Steps

The world is full of people, situations and dilemmas that can push all of our buttons. Instead of losing your head (which only makes matters worse) check yourself with three proven methods for bringing your temper off the broiler.

Don’t Take It Personally. If someone offends you, remember that most of the time it’s not intentional. Remember that guy who cut you off on the drive to work? Guess what: He doesn’t know your name, probably didn’t see you there and definitely didn’t plan to ruin your day—unbeknownst to you. Take the high road and let it go. It’s not worth the anguish, anxiety or repercussions to point out the error of his ways. Besides, that’s what the highway patrol is for.

Put Yourself in Timeout. When you’re irate, your hearts beats faster and your blood pressure increases. It may sound cliché, but taking a series of long, deep breaths is like a shot of clarity. It slows the heart, manages stress and improves your mental state. Plus, it puts distance and perspective between the event that set you off and the likelihood of overreacting. Try it—it’s good medicine.

Reach Out. If anger and irritability are serious problems for you, all the insightful tips in the world won’t make a difference. Find an anger-support group, a medical professional or someone to talk to who can help you put your feelings in perspective. There are plenty of healthy ways to deal with anger—pretending you don’t have a problem isn’t one of them.

For more on letting go of anger, read 1-on-1 with Andy Andrews on

From Seeds of success ezine a lovely article on cooling your temper.

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