Your #1 Network Marketing Tool

Ninety-two percent of the world’s population is sales resistant. They don’t like to be sold. They don’t like to sell.

How about YOU? Do YOU like to be sold? You walk into the shoe store and some sales clerk comes up, trying to sell you, shove you, get you to buy some shoe that’s on sale.

No, No, NO!!! You Want To Buy What YOU Want!

The size, the color, the style – it has to be what YOU want.

When you go to buy an automobile, the first thing they want to know is, “How much can you afford?” That’s all they want to ask, “What can you afford?” And you’re thinking, “Get away from me. I buy what I want to buy. Leave me alone!”

People are sales resistant. If you fight that, if you try to sell them, you will ALWAYS struggle in network marketing. You have to learn to listen. Again, 92% of the world’s population is sales resistant. That is an overwhelming number, if you’re out there trying to sell them!

You have spent your entire life recommending and promoting things to people. Books, movies, restaurants, websites, recipes, stores, schools, parks, experts, – The list goes on and on. Now all of a sudden in network marketing, some idiot tells you to make a list of your friends and family, call them up, let’s beat ëem up and SELL them!

This upline guru leader wants to turn you into that pushy, aggressive salesperson that nobody likes. can you see why it doesn’t work?

Let’s Try It The OTHER Way – Listening!

When you listen, you will quickly learn the Color personality of your prospect. This allows you to build know, like, & trust, and you can consistently build your business, day by day by day.

And as you teach your people to listen for the Color personality of their prospects, all of a sudden THEY aren’t in that sales mode. Instead, they’re in the mode of trying to figure out, “What can I do to help this person?”

As you find out what Color they are, you find out their personality, and their hot buttons.

Why is that so important? Because not everyone wears the same size shoe. When you actually listen and spot which of the 4 personality types they are, you have the ability to communicate directly with that person on the basis of THEIR wants and needs. That makes all the difference in the world.

The Alternative?

So many network marketing companies and gurus today send prospects to a splash page with a bunch of blinking, spinning lights and flashy this and that, smiley faces and all that stuff.

But here’s the problem. The Yellow and the Green personalities make up 70% of the population. And if you send Yellows & Greens to a website with blinking lights and spinning this and that, and something bouncing across the page – or talking about money, money, money, money, money, money – 70% of your prospects are gone. They will stay there for 2 or 3 seconds, maybe 5 seconds, and then they are gone.

Why? Because it looks hokey to them. You are trying sell them, you are trying to slam them, jam them, convince them that you can build something and make $10,000 a minute in 3 days.

See? Not everybody wears same size shoe. You have to have presentations tailored to each one of the Colors.

A Different Email For Each Personality

Wow, what a concept, what a concept! When you send your prospects an email, you better be sending them an email that hits their hot buttons. With my team, we have spent a lot of time on this. We wrote a Yellow, a Blue, a Green, and a Red email.

And I highly recommend when you write these emails for your team, for your company, for your opportunity, write your Green email first. Why? Because Greens want ALL the data, every last bit of it. The other Colors don’t.

So now you can just take away from the Green email to do the others. The Blue – if you send a Green email to a Blue, and they see 4 pages of stuff – they are GONE! They would want nothing to be do with it. Why? Because your Blue will think, “My gosh, I gotta know all this stuff? No way! I’m outta here!”

But the Green wants that information. They want all the data.

And you don’t sell a Green. You don’t come after the Green and sell them, push them, call them back again and again and shove them and push them. You let them make up their own mind at their own speed. Greens will sell themselves.

Like Yellows & Blues, the way you move a Green is by listening to them. If you sell them or attempt to sell them, try to close them, you will lose every time. They will block your phone number. They will absolutely not want any thing to do with you. End of story.

The key to success in this business is to listen to your people. They will love you for it – and you’ll have a lot more of them!

To Your Success,

Shelly Bishop

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