What To Say To The Product-Driven Prospect

If you’ve been in network marketing very long, you’ve run into plenty of prospects who are totally focused on ONLY joining a company where they can sell a product they love.

I tell them, “Look. We have 30 products. You don’t have to use them all. You don’t even have to like them all. Matter of fact, we have a Woman’s Formula that helps balance out the hormones. Guess what? I don’t use the product. I don’t use that one. My wife does. She loves it. We’ve got hundreds of women who buy that product. They love it. I don’t have to use it.”

And That Makes Them Realize How Stupid It Is –

– that they have to love the product. Right there. And if it’s a woman – guess what?¬ Our company¬ has a Men’s Formula! It’s for the prostate.

And last time you checked, you didn’t have a prostate, because you’re a girl. But guess what? I’ve got a lot of guys that buy that product.

Another one I’ll talk about is our product that helps balance blood-sugar. I ask them, “Do you know anyone who has hypoglycemia, diabetes, low blood sugar, a sugar problem?”


“Great. Do you think that person would like to know about a product that’s all-natural, it’s been proven to help re-build the pancreas, and¬ will help them to use less insulin, and maybe even get them off of insulin?”

“Oh, yeah!”

You Don’t Have To Have Diabetes To Sell the Product, Do You?

Make it so ridiculous, they get it. I’m telling you, this is magic. People will come to you and they’re totally focused on finding a product that THEY love.

But that is NOT the way to build a long-term, successful, profitable business. When I hear that, I’ll tell them, “Well, then, go get diabetes. Go get diabetes, and this stuff will help you fix it. OK?

And of course, they laugh. It’s a ridiculous solution. But it makes them realize that the attitude that they MUST love the product is also ridiculous.

To get them into your company, tell them why YOU joined. Why did you join this company, this team, this sponsor.

I did a call the other day with a lady who is married to a heart surgeon. If I told you what they have to pay in insurance for him to stay in that business, it would blow your mind. Basically, he’s working for the insurance company.

So they need another income. They have to get something going. The first thing she said was, “Well, I’ll have to try the products first to see if I like them.”

And I went right into the Women’s Formula. I went right into diabetes. And I asked her,

“Do you have diabetes?”

She said, “No.”

I told her, “Well, you don’t have to go and get diabetes to sell a bunch of this product.”

And she got it. She joined on the spot. She figured she’d just try the product but instead, she got the idea. Now she’s in the business.

Do I ask people to join? Do I push them? Do I twist their arm? Do I say, “Get in now and you’ll be rich by Tuesday?”

No. I present the case for my company & our team. The prospect makes their own decision. Mostly, they ASK if they can join. It comes from THEM. How could anything be more powerful?

Sometimes you just have to make them beg.

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