MLM Sponsoring Secrets – A Proven, Tested 5-Step System

To grow your network marketing business you need to do:

1. Targeted lead generation

2. Automated prospect follow-up

3. One-on-one relationship building

4. Sponsoring and

5. Training

If you have a single system to perform all these functions, so much the better. If your MLM company or upline group does not provide system(s) to accomplish these targets, you absolutely have to set them up yourself. But it’s a lot easier to go someplace where they understand these MLM sponsoring secrets and already have an established, tested & proven system.

Let me tell you a bit about each aspect of the sponsoring system that I use.

1. Targeted lead generation. Why do you want to build the dream for somebody else? How do you think you’re ever going to make somebody have a dream? You only want to talk to people who ALREADY have the dreams, the goals, the desire to be successful.

Don’t put yourself in the position where you have to convince somebody to get up off the couch, turn off the TV, quit watching the football game and drinking beer. Leave those people alone. They need to do that stuff. We need people in our lives and in this world who do that. Let them do that.

ONLY talk to people who have the goals, dreams, desires. These are the warriors. These are the people who will build the business, no matter what. Target THOSE people. Then your business will be fun & exciting. You’ll have massive duplication when you work with targeted people.

How do you find them?

You want a lead generation system that brings you ONLY the most qualified people. A lead who is a reader is far more likely to have long-term network marketing success than most other leads you get. That is who you must target.

How? You promote a website that has only one objective: capture contact information. So when a visitor comes to your site, their only options are signing up or leaving. And you do your best to make them an offer they cannot refuse. I prefer to offer a great ebook because, again, Leaders are Readers.

2. Automated prospect follow-up. The secret in network marketing is following up with people. People are busy. Our lives are busy. It’s best to have an automated email system going out to these prospects. You need one written by a professional copywriter who knows how to tweak the mind, answer questions, create a relationship in print. You want your automated follow-up to create a relationship with ad copy.

It’s mandatory that you have a system in place to follow-up with people automatically, so you don’t have to do it. Because guess what?

You might be on vacation, on a company-sponsored, company paid-for, week-long trip to Italy. You need an automated follow-up system.

3. One-on-one relationship building: your most important MLM sponsoring secret. Network marketing is a relationship business. You want to sponsor them one at a time and bring them in one at a time.

The only way you can do that is to build a one-on-one relationship with those people.

I’ve seen organizations come online and they sponsor, sponsor, sponsor, recruit, recruit, recruit, using some downline building system. But none of those people ever upgrade, none of those people ever buy product, because there’s no relationship. If you ever tried to call one of those people and say, “Hey, I’d like to visit with you -“, they won’t even return a phone call.

So it’s most important to have relationships when you’re building the business. They’ve got to know that you care.

This step is crucial, so we’re constantly training people to do it. I do a live, generic MLM “relationship-building” training call 5 nights a week. No company is EVER mentioned on these calls. No products are EVER discussed.

You’ll get to listen in while I work with other callers, talking to their leads, too. You can bring your lead phone numbers to that call, if you want, and we’ll call them together. You‚Äôll hear exactly what to say. We‚Äôll establish that they‚Äôre definitely looking for a good way to make extra money from home. Then we‚Äôll set a time for you to call them back to talk more in depth about YOUR opportunity.

And I promise you, if you build people, then people will build your business.

4. Sponsoring. Wow! I love that word, “sponsoring.” See, I take that word differently than most people. Why?

Because I take YOUR success personally.

When I’m your sponsor, I’m your sponsor for life. I’m 54 years old. And in 50 years or so, I’ll be going to your funeral, or you’ll be going to mine. If I’m your sponsor, that is the way it is. You & I will be in business together the rest of our lives.

So wouldn’t you rather sponsor people that you want to associate with? My mentor told me, “Only sponsor people that you’d want to go on a 1-month cruise with.”

Wow! How important is that? Don’t just sponsor somebody who can fog a mirror. ONLY sponsor people who you really want to build a business with.

5. Training. Absolutely the lifeblood of your business is teaching, training, coaching & mentoring new people on how to do network marketing.

You’d better have a team website. You’d better have a step-by-step Action Plan. You’ve got to train them.

They need to learn the skills of how to do MLM. That’s critical in the training process. You can train a dog. But for people, you have to teach them the skills they need to do this business.

Ninety-two per-cent of the world’s population is sales resistant. They don’t like to sell, don’t like to be sold. So don’t waste your time studying about the superduper elixir drink, where the ingredients are scraped off the rock by blind leprechauns every other full moon. Don’t study the product ingredients.

Study people. Learn our “Color To Success” training. You’ll learn how to listen to people, and you will own your business, and you will own your life.

You can just plug your people right into our training system, and the cycle begins again.

This is what you call a “Greased Chute”. Step 1 flows smoothly into Step 2. Step 2 into Step 3. Step 3 into Step 4. Step 4 into Step 5. And step 5 into Step 1.

And so on and so on.

The term ‘greased chute’ means there are NO bumps along the way. No impediments, nothing whatsoever to even slightly slow the flow of a prospect from one step to the next.

To be long-term successful, you MUST have a ‘greased chute’ marketing system for your opportunity. I love ours because it offers total training in the skills of working with people, so that you get better and better ‚ and your people can plug into exactly the same system, making it far easier for you to help them as you gain more & more experience.

To Your Success,

Ben Drake
“Be A Mentor With A Servant’s Heart!”

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