How to recruit university students.

How to recruit university students.
I did a workshop recently, and the average age of the leaders was … old. I asked them,
“So what did you say to keep all the young people away from your business?”
Well, they told me their “Ice Breakers” – how they started the conversation with young prospects. They said things like:
* “Would you like to retire 5 years early?” (Oh, that’s hot. That’s like the year 2055, just what all the 20-year-olds are thinking about every morning.)
* “How is your Plan B coming along?” (They don’t even have a Plan A yet.)
Well, with these types of “Ice Breakers,” no wonder young people would avoid their business. It is what we say that makes the difference. We need to learn the formulas and how to construct better “Ice Breakers” so that prospects will beg us for presentations.
If we use these pathetic openings to our conversation, then the reply from the university student might be:
“No. No. No. I don’t want to hear it. I’m $100,000 in debt, but I got a “B” in French literature.”
Not a prospect.
So what could they have said that would be more interesting to university students?
How about something like this:
==> “Would it be okay if you didn’t have to work 45 years like your parents?”
What do you think their instant reply would be?
And now the presentation can begin.
Learn better “Ice Breakers” now with the six-week course at:

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