Why prospects say they are not interested.

Why prospects say they are not interested.
Isn’t this strange?
A prospect fills out a form saying that he is interested in a business opportunity.
When you call the prospect, he replies:
1. “Oh, I never filled out that form. My children must have filled out the form to get even with me.”
2. “No, I don’t remember any form.”
3. “I’m not interested in a business opportunity. Please don’t call again.”
Ever wonder why the prospect changed his mind and pretended not to be interested?
Here is what happens. The prospect made up his mind about you and your opportunity based on your first impression … your first few sentences … your Ice Breaker.”
The prospect made an immediate judgment that a presentation would be a waste of his time.
That’s why it is important to have great Ice Breakers to get your cold prospects to immediately beg you for a presentation.
If someone started their call to the prospect and said:
“I’m a distributor for the Wonderful Company from the wonderful city of Wonderful, USA. Our company was started by Mr. Wonderful. We have the only registered, trademarked, patented breakthrough product and we are a ground floor company just waiting to explode into momentum. Our scientist can beat up your scientist. The secret ingredient was discovered under a rock in China by leprechauns at midnight, and our unique, proprietary, nano technology mysterious process is a one-of-a-kind …”
Not a very good first impression, right?
Want to know more about making those first impressions – and how to make your first impression so powerful that your prospects beg you for presentations?
If you haven’t been to one of the “live” Ice Breakers workshops in your area, you can take the entire course online.
This six-week class is free for FortuneNow.com subscribers, and only $27.95 for others. (Hint, for the same $27.95 you can be a FortuneNow.com subscriber and get lots of cool audios and other training.)
To join other network marketing professionals and to become a member of our FortuneNow.com study group, simply go to:
My Ice Breakers class starts soon. Here is your chance to move forward and make your prospecting … awesome.

From Tom Big Al, a great lesson from Tom on breaking the ice with a prospect.
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