How to run a contest for losers

How to run a contest for losers. 

A little imagination can go a long way.

For example, let’s say you sold diet products and couldn’t afford advertising. Maybe all you could afford for your promotion was one month’s worth of diet products.

So what could you do?

How about a contest for losers?

Announce that anyone can enter your contest, but they must have two qualifications.

#1. They must own a losing lottery ticket.
#2. They must want to lose weight.

Hold a drawing of the submitted losing lottery tickets and give away the one month’s supply of diet products to the winner.

You would get plenty of word-of-mouth advertising and publicity from such an innovative campaign.

So use your imagination to promote your business, products or services. It’s cheaper than paying for advertising.

From Tom Big Al’s newsletter, a powerful tip on creating that competion for losers.
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