Service–Vitamins for the mind by Jim Rohn

Vitamins for the Mind by Jim Rohn


One customer, well taken care of, could be more valuable than $10,000 worth of advertising.

Good service leads to multiple sales. If you take good care of your customers, they will open doors you could never open by yourself.

How do you deserve a fortune? Render fortunes of service.

You have to do more than you get paid for because that’s where the fortune is.

Whoever renders service to many puts himself in line for greatness – great wealth, great return, great satisfaction, great reputation and great joy.

“Vitamins for the Mind” is a weekly sampling of original quotes on a specific topic taken from The Treasury of Quotes by Jim Rohn. The burgundy hardbound book with gold-foil lettering is a collection of more than 365 quotes on 60 topics gathered from Jim’s personal journals, seminars and books and spanning more than 40 years. Click here to order The Treasury of Quotes.

From Jim Rohn’s Newsletter, a great truth.

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