Lois Anna

The Eighth Step toward Riches
Persistence is easy . . . if I can say so at Mentoring for Free.
We have so many things that we have been given that we didn’t have before Mentoring for Free.
We finally have someone to talk to who listens here in our mentors and in Michael and Linda. For
the first time we can make mistakes until we get it right. Most of us know too that there are enough
struggling networkers out there that all we have to do is find the one’s that were meant to be
in our lives.
M – Many Mentors, Mental Cleanse, Michael and Linda, Mastermind
E – Experience from Michael and Linda and everyone in the Mastermind
N – Network Marketing training is free
T – Ten free calls a week, Think & Grow Rich Training, Tools that Work
O – Outstanding system to record leads and data
R – Recipe that works.
I – Induces faith – we need Faith to be persistant
N – New and better way of meeting business builders
G – Great Self-Esteem, Great business success, Great place to meet friends and influence people
F – Free, Free, Freedom!
O – Orderly plan of attack, orderly conference calls.
R – Reliable system to generate leads
F – Family that we choose
R – Relief after working with heavy hitters
E – Excellent Community of people with positive dreams and goals
E – Employee mentality is GONE!
Acrostics! Oh well! I love Mentoring for Free, and I thank Michael and Linda for the positive family environment that they have created.
Love to all,
Lois Anna

Lesson plan from Lois Anna on chapter 9 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at http://www.30daycleanse.com

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