Loddy Micucci Chapter 9 Persistence

loddy micucci

What is that makes me stop and start? I really believe I have the two steps forward one step back syndrome.
Sometimes it feels like one step forward and two steps back.
I persist because I am still here.
However that breakthrough to being able to say ‘ I am a mentor with
a servant’s heart and I have the information from my head to my heart is still illusive.
Is it because I lack daily consistent action? I feel like I am working very hard. Are my priorities not
quite right?
I will not try and analyse it anymore! That is the green personality coming out in me.
I heard Bop Proctor say that he first discovered “think and grow rich’ 50 years ago.
He says he is still reading and studying it. That’s what I call persistence. He talks about
repetition and how the law of attraction alludes some people because they don’t stick at it long enough.
Michael talks about being plugged into the system and to persist.
Look at what Michael and Bob have achieved through persistence and repetition.
My mentor Robert Klinga continually says that it takes over 10 000 hours of practice
before you actually master something. He says quitting is not an option for him. He
will succeed no matter what. That is definitely burning the ships of retreat.
So why do I have doubts. My amazing mentors believe in me to succeed. I know they
It is up to me to repay that belief through persisting until I succeed.
I must have unshakable faith in myself to see this journey through to the end.
It is only by persisting and inching my way closer to my goals that I will succeed.
I know I have everything I need to succeed in my business. The only thing holding
me back is my self confidence.
I must become laser focused and have the same mindset as my mentors.
It is this type of commitment and persistence that will eventually manifest my
My ambition is to help as many people who need my help as possible. This can
only happen if I see myself as a MFF success story.
I am so glad I have this mastermind group to support me on my journey.

Lesson plan from Loddy Micucci on chapter 9 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

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