Lee Lewis Peristence

Lee Lewis

“Persistence is a state of mind, therefore it can be cultivated.” – Napolean Hill
That one statement of Chapter 9 of Napolean Hill’s “Think & Grow Rich” was such a “wow factor” for me that it actually increased my focus on everything else said past that point in today’s lesson. He also pointed out that other qualities are states of mind, which means they can be cultivated.
I first read this book in the early 70’s, maybe a dozen times over the years… it seems like with the ebb & flow of life, the ups & downs, it is during the times of most difficulty that I again reach out for the solutions that self help books and Scripture have to offer. Perhaps it is in someway my own type of persistence that keeps me coming back.
This is also my first posting on this site that has to do with an assignment… it only took me a month to get around to it! My first 30 Day Mental Cleanse period may already be up, however, it took my mind awhile to calm down enough to focus on the tasks at hand.
I finally decided (it starts with a decision, doesn’t it?!) to do a lesson plan. I found a quiet place, no phone, no interuptions and downloaded the chapter in text form and read it while listening simultaneously via MP3. That combination worked great for me, I would have interupted myself at least three times before finishing the chapter if I had just read it… that’s the way I’ve been. To actually sit still long enough to read a whole chapter without eating a snack, strumming my guitar or juggling the three oranges in the fruit bowl on the table in front of me would have been a miracle.
Persistence is a state of mind that can be cultivated, IMAGINE THAT. We are actually in control of our abiltiy to be persistent. That means all we have to do to see who is in charge of our success, of our persistence, of our happiness, of our well-being and all of our other states-of-mind is to look into the mirror… there you will see the person in charge staring you in the face.
It is essential that I tell that person in charge to continue with persistence the process of becoming my own true self, to continue with persistence of releasing my true potential and to continue with persistence of fulfilling my capacity so that I may reach my highest calling, fulfill my chief purpose of life and be the rising tide that raises all ships.
Constructively yours,
Lee Lewis

Lesson plan from Lee Lewis on chapter 9 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

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