David Haines

David Haines

Everyone starts this journey into the Mental Cleanse with lots of past emotional baggage. Our past is like this big giant square block we’re trying to move around and it doesn’t move very smoothly. What I’ve observed and experienced is some people are trying to push it while others are trying to drag it. And it’s fricken heavy. Needless to say, our lives aren’t very fluid while we’re moving this thing around.
But here’s the beauty of the Mental Cleanse…. As we go through this process, we start to chip away at the block. We chip away the corners first, then the edges. Soon, our block starts to wobble around. We see improvement. We start getting around a little easier. Things start to look good.
Unfortunately, this is when most people quit doing it. And it can be for any number of reasons. Some people quit because they see the improvement, and figure that’s enough. Some people don’t see it as improvement at all and think that it doesn’t work. Still others chip off enough that it starts to hurt. The things they’re revealing under the chipped off pieces are painful, so they’d rather not disturb the block.
It’s those of us who have been persistent in chipping away at our block who are seeing remarkable results. We’re spending the time smoothing the edges. Rounding the corners. Is it painful? Sometimes. Is it worth it? Most definitely!!
Here’s where the magic starts happening…. After all that persistent work and saying our self-talk, what once was a big block now becomes a big ball. It rolls!! We can move it around almost effortlessly! You see, we can’t ever get rid of our past, but we can shape it into a much more manageable “thing”. The best part is that your persistence pays off when the ball just starts rolling on its own through the power of momentum. I know you’ve seen an old picture of a kid with a long stick pushing a ball along while running down the road… Well that’s what it becomes. You are in control now. And that’s what this process is all about.
Love to all!
David Haines
Doylestown, PA

Lesson plan from David Haines on chapter 9 for the 30 day mental cleanse. I just love the word pictures here, thanks David.

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