All Love Requires This One Thing

All Love Requires This One Thing:

The Feeling of Being Safe

Finding a good partner is not just about looking for a wish list of things like sexy, funny, smart, charismatic, successful.
It’s about seeking one specific “wish feeling.”
It doesn’t matter if your partner is sexy, funny, smart, charismatic, successful if they don’t make you feel safe to communicate openly, trust their commitment, believe in their loyalty, be your most vulnerable, authentic trust self.

* Excerpt from Karen’s book PRINCE HARMING SYNDROME 
Karen Salmansohn is a bestselling author and award-winning designer with over one million books sold. She’s been on the Today Show, The View, Fox TV, CNN, etc  Her books—which offer a range of happiness and resiliency psychology tools—have been recommended on—including her best selling THE BOUNCE BACK BOOK and PRINCE HARMING SYNDROME which you can read more about at her site: Her newest book INSTANT HAPPY is due out from RANDOM HOUSE in Oct. 2012.

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From Positively Positive, a very true post on the power of what it means to find a great partner. Wheather this is business, relationship, family or friendship partner. Should any of this be wrong then the relationship is wrong.
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