Lesson plan by Bev Bojarski on chapter 8


The Seventh Step toward Riches

I really appreciate the power and focus of this chapter.  Amazing how Hill ties all of these chapters together, I can have great organized planning but if I don’t DECIDE to put it into ACTION, it does me no good!  If I have a Strong, Pulsating Desire, reinforced by a consistent abundance of self-talk, I will find the Courage, in fact it will come automatically to Decide promptly and proceed with consistent action.  When I love and trust myself, I produce self-confidence as well as Faith. I will not hesitate to Decide and be passionate about that Decision and not to change my Decision unless it is very slowly and well thought out.

I have in the past been easily influenced by others in most things.  Lack of self-love and self-confidence will do that.  When I started becoming a critical thinker through MFF, I began to see more clearly why I didn’t need or want other people’s opinions!   They certainly didn’t serve me well, in fact quite the opposite.  Negative people who are always giving their opinion are self-serving, little people who are to be pitied.  They continually seek to build themselves up by tearing other people down, how negative.  These people are very small in their thinking.

Too much talking and too little listening, wow that is a face slapper, for sure.  When I learned to be present in the Now, listening became much more natural.  The other side of that coin was losing the agenda, it wasn’t about me it was about them, so Listen to them!  How did it make you feel the last time someone greeted hi, how are you, then kept walking away.  Why did they ask how you were if they weren’t going to stop and listen????  It is so fake and demeaning.  Don’t ask if you don’t intend on listening to the answer.  I know this is a common area for a lot of people, I certainly have been guilty of it.  I know if I don’t listen I am the biggest loser, possibly missing out on some nugget of knowledge that could be of great service to me.  It Pays to Listen!!!….AND it is the Right Thing To Do!!

Hill gives the saying, “deeds and not words, are what count most”.  I think we know it more as, “Action speaks Louder than Words”.

Decisions made in a similar spirit of Faith (as did Hancock, Adams and others make) can solve personal problems, gain much material and spiritual wealth.  Sounds pretty important to me!  Leaders from Every walk of life DECIDE quickly and firmly.  This is one of the reasons they become great leaders, they walk the talk!

There is of course a flip side to Decision, called Indecision.  Indecision has and will cause millions of people to live unfulfilled, mediocre lives.  Ninety-eight of every one hundred work for wages at a job they probably don’t even like, because they lacked the Definiteness Decision to Plan a Definite Position…they kinda just let life happen.  They took whatever road was the easiest for them.  What a waste of life, just putting in time.

Hill makes a statement that “shivers me timbers”:  Financial independence, riches, desirable business and professional positions ARE NOT within the reach of the person who NEGLECTS or refuses to EXPECT, PLAN and DEMAND these things.  There it is!  Make Quick, Firm Decisions or NOT, it is a choice.  Keep in mind each Choice comes with its Own Set of Results!

Sending Wishes of Powerful, Firm Decision Making to you all.

Bev Bojarski

Lesson plan from Bev Bojarski on chapter 8 for the 30 day mental cleanse.
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