How Happy Can You Really Be?

How Happy Can You Really Be?

by Joseph McClendon

When you are living in the fullness of life, you begin to see that you have no limitations. Although I’m not a medical doctor, I do hold a doctorate in neuropsychology and one of my passions and gifts is in the area of health and wellness. I juice, eat specific foods, and for decades generally have studied physiology and how the body works. People often tell me I look several years younger than my real age. I wrote a book called Change Your Breakfast, Change Your Life, and it’s successful because I delivered material I was passionate about and gifted to share.

I share this with you because there is no separation between the mind and the body. What is happening with the physical body is also happening with your brain. Your brain is physical and organic in nature and works in conjunction with literally every other part of your body. They are all interconnected and what happens to one will affect all of the others on some level. Understanding this one simple fact will change how you look at attaining and sustaining happiness, or any emotion, for that matter. In my opinion this is also the most overlooked area in the field of psychology and possibly the most important. Although it helps to be healthy, I’m not saying that unless you are in perfect health you can’t be happy. But what you do with your body in terms of movement is one of the greatest components of the state of happiness!

When you move, you gain momentum.

Physical movement, or the lack thereof, is one-third of any emotion.

You’ll learn more about this shortly as well as how to use the information to produce happiness and joy. Your body and brain are wired for happiness. Countless laboratory experiments and brain science studies report that positive moods reduce stress-related hormones. This chemical chain reaction increases the immune function in the human body, promoting health, healing and vitality. When you look at the scientific data, you can see that happiness isn’t an option but a necessity, as important as air and water.

Happiness makes your body strong and your brain work better. You’re supposed to be happy. You were constructed for it!

Arm yourself with new tools and a fresh perspective to help you reach a higher level of happiness. Joseph McClendon’s Get Happy NOW! is more than just a book. It’s a living tool that can transform your life. Click here to learn more!

From Jim Rohn’s newsletter, a powerful article on the power of living without any limitations.
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