Chapter 5 Specialised Knowledge

Chapter 5 Specialised Knowledge.

This is a powerful chapter personal making me realise that a lot of the knowledge had learnt in my youth was general knowledge. Even creating friendships and relationships was never really learnt as a child. Personally about the only specialised knowledge learnt was the knowledge of improving my own health to allow me to do more. That meant turning to people who could help me to get my weight under control, to improve my health working around my abilities and that took time. It also took a lot of faith to do such.

I have come to learn from the specialised knowledge about relationships. Especially the leads call with its knowledge of the personalities. With the wisdom of all the wonderful leaders on the live leads call I have learnt that the real me was always here yet too scared to speak up. He sat in in the background scared and hurt.

I had to relearn from mentoring for free how to create those friendships, those relationships and to let it be ok to be. Whilst I may be a very sensitive person, knowing the person cares softens the blow.

We can all learn a lot from specialized knowledge when its obtained in the right way. It can be through our own knowledge or shooting off a email, making a phone call or asking someone a question about their story at a training.

When I came into mlm I had to learn from others specialized knowledge how to change my diet and health, that included many people. Now its on to creating those relationships, its taken work and time to learn to understand my family a lot better. Even my best friends a lot better, however they are the best people could of asked for and true friends. Yes there are still things that have to improve however personally my own whole life is starting to make sense as a person. Yet seeing myself going from broken friendships to relationships which are staying around a lot longer than have had in many years is something that is part of a dream come true personally.

Having more than 1 best friend, well have never had that yet these days have more than 1 best friend and that’s wonderful.

With great love and appreciation to Michael, Willena, Ken, Shelly and Mervyn all of whom have guided me. To the mental cleanse participants who have provided me with inspiration and guidance thank you all.

Ben Drake

Mona Vale Sydney NSW Australia

Personal Lesson for mental cleanse.

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