Law of attraction | sex transmutation

Law of attraction | sex transmutation:
Today’s post will give you an insight into how sex energy transmutation works. Our guest author is Frank LooSer (Sarge)

transmuting sex energy Law of attraction | sex transmutation
Law of attraction | sex transmutation

He is a policeman who has discovered personal development with mentoring for free. Frank LooSer gives us a very insightful post on how to transmute energy into manifesting your desires.  Once you learn how to transmute energy you will be maximising the law of attraction to work for you.  His post is taken from the 30 day mental cleanse program. This is a free personal development course based on ‘think and grow rich’ and it helps you to block out the negativity in your life and to become the person you were meant to be.

Frank LooSer writes

“The Mastery of Sex Transmutation
The definition of the word transmute means to change from one nature, substance, form, or condition into another, or in other words for the purpose of this lesson the changing  or transforming of one element or form of energy into another.  For example;

Electricity into heat, sunshine into electricity, water into steam, wind into a tornado, steam into power.  In the middle of each of these examples exist an invisible element not mentioned.  It’s the means by which the transmutation takes place, and not all are the same.
Emotion is the key to Sex Transmutation. The emotion of sex is very exciting and powerful for bringing into being an enhanced state of mind.  Because of society’s blind ignorance on the subject, having but a one track mind, this powerful state of being is generally

associated with a physical act of engaging in sex for pleasure.  Because of the mass association of sex and pleasure, advertisers have been able to exploit the minds of millions subliminally through advertisements without arousing suspicion, because physical things

are highly bias in the mind of man.  Why do you think Coca Cola is the world’s most successful soft drink?  Have you ever paid close attention to the sexy shape of a Coca Cola bottle or the way the Logo is designed?
There are three constructive potentialities behind the powerful emotion of sex. 1) The continuation of the human species, 2) Health maintenance when used as a therapeutic agency, there is no equal. And last but surly not the least, is the transformation from

ordinary into genius through transmutation.
Are your emotions stimulated by sex or is the sex stimulated by your emotions?  Your challenge my friend should you decide to accept it, is to join us in understanding how to make the transmutation of sex work for you. As always if you or any of your efforts are surrendered the first time, you should stand erect and seduce yourself to stay the course until you have achieved your wildest dreams!
With much love and appreciations to our Mentors Michael and Linda, for inviting us to join them in cleaning up our mind in this Magical Master Mind forum. May the happiest emotions bless your lives forever.

Thank you Sarge

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From Loddy Micucci, thank you Loddy for this lesson from Sarge.
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