Chapter 4 Autosuggestion

Chapter 4 Autosuggestion

This is a very powerful chapter for me personally as it comes back to what you think and say to yourself becomes truth. For me there are so many lessons that have been needed to of been learnt and understood during my time on the mental cleanse.

One of the major lessons has been though about control, unfortunately for years I have let others determine what I was able to do, where I lived, when I ate, what could buy, even when I was able to speak or talk. For years I have lived virtually under the control of my own family. Now that I am doing myself talk and programming my own mind they are not enjoying such.

For many years I have not felt supported from a lot of friends and even my family. That would not speak at all, that I have one of two voices often the first is a very quite voice. The other a louder voice, the first appears when I have shut down completely from letting someone abuse me. Often its screaming at me because of asking for help or assistance with something that is not possible for me. Lets just say its rough, anyway from this chapter and after realising that I have put my own life on hold to take care of the family to care for my grandmother and not knowing what I truly wanted myself.

That have never really lived my own life because was too scared of my own father and my sister, both who have to be in control. It’s time to live that life, I found the most amazing woman and I want her around. She may mess with me about things yet it’s quite often joking around. The part that really touched me was the instructions for the autosuggestion, after reading such and sitting down saying hey what do I want. Not the family me!, I had been too scared of them to even think about what I wanted for many years.

I may have had my goals list yet was too scared to share because of the negativity and puke had got back from people criticizing even a miss spelt word. I sat down and said this is what I want and am going to do. This where I am going to be, what I am going to have and do. I wrote out as described in chapter 4 the auto suggestion for 1 year through to well into the future. With the place wanted to live, what was going to do and have, this was a partner and two daughters. Even earning a good income, which will allow me to help people to change their lives and do a lot. Essentially also continuing on the same things am doing now though to draw people to my business.

It’s been a journey for sure, with love and appreciation to my wonderful mentors Michael, Willena, Ken, Shelly and Mervyn. To the mental cleanse participants for your wonderful inspiring lessons thank you.

Ben Drake

Mona Vale, Sydney, NSW

Personal lesson for mental cleanse

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