Chapter 14 the sixth sense The doorway to the temple of wisdom The thirteenth step towards riches.

Chapter 14 the sixth sense

The doorway to the temple of wisdom

The thirteenth step towards riches.

This is yet again another powerful chapter for me personally, that it demonstrates the power of accessing the abilities of the infinite intelligence. It forwarns us of events which are yet to occur, yet it also allows people to access the knowledge of those gone before such. Through the aid of a mastermind group which is within our own mind. Accessing the knowledge from such.

Having had a number of experiences with such, the most recent of such was whist in semi awake state that was shocked back to consciousness from a dream by own best friend who awoke rather noisily.

In the past this is how have received communications from the either, sometimes it’s a job trying to work out is this my subconscious mind representing a fear of some description or a communication from the either. However the communications from the either are ones which suddenly appear and are a message whereas the subconscious mind’s tricks playing games with my own mind are often things that are afraid of happening.

It’s not easy recognising is this a fear or not yet am getting better. Also the communications are coming more and more.

Thank you to Michael, Willena, Ken, Shelly and Mervyn for your inspiration, mentoring, love, guidance, support, encouragement in helping me to find the path towards owing my life. The path to becoming a stronger person and discovering himself again that lost person. The journey has been worth it to live the life that have now thank you to the wonderful mental cleanse partisipants for your continued guidance love and lessons.

I love you all so much, thank you.

Ben Drake,
Sydney NSW Australia

Personal lesson plan for chapter 14 of think and grow rich for the mental cleanse call.

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