Chapter 1 Thoughts are things.

Chapter 1 Thoughts are things.

This chapter is powerful for me personally, it has taken a while to realise just how destructive and negative a lot of the influences in my own life were. Personally never had the knowledge of how to change that programming. Now that left me crushed with no self esteem, no confidence and a fear of criticism.

I feared going against the family, especially dad. I can’t do that anymore, he’s had my power for too many years. The most powerful part of this chapter personally was that we control our own thoughts and whatever a man thinks within his mind and heart happens.

A few months ago I decided to resign from a volunteer role to start my own family. At that time having already met someone however not knowing their impact on my own life, it took a few months before we met in person. However when walking away after meeting that first time and knowing in my head and heart that the person just met was right.

It had been a journey for me to create those true friends which had never had, yes may still have a journey to go. However I choose not to let the negativity drag me down, I choose that positive environment and doing the best can to keep such up.

That means the mental cleanse, the calls, listening to positive audios during sleeping hours, saying myself talk. Doing such gives me a lot more strength to continue to stand up for myself and say no you are not treating me right.

Yes stand to receive criticism from the family for doing what want, always have that’s nothing new. Yet this decision to start a family of own was right, it has taken work, time, patience and persistence to get to where am now.

You see for years my burning desire was to be a father, however unfortunately was not ready to fulfil such until now. This desire has been sitting there for many years, now am seeing a vision which had many years ago starting to take place. It’s taken many years to develop the belief within myself to be able to say yes can maintain a relationship, can do my business, can be a father, can go against the family and do what want. Not what they want.

Right now have the most loving woman in my own life, a supportive woman who can see that for me being a father is something very big. It’s what I really want within my own life, being able to be the father never had as a child now that would be lovely. That day will come and I know it will. I am starting to feel more confident in achieving own goals and dreams and seeing myself doing things which never had the courage to do. For me have found my own personal heaven, something which had never been able to achieve.

Yes am determined to make a income from home around that family and to provide for them however to me family are those people who do anything for to the best of own ability. Even die should that mean keeping that person alive.

Thank you to my wonderful mentors Michael, Willena, Ken, Mervyn and Shelly for your inspiration and guidance. Thank you to the mental cleanse participants who have been a inspiration to me.

I appreciate you all,

Ben Drake.

Sydney NSW Australia

Personal lesson plan for 30 day mental cleanse on chapter 1 from think and grow rich. You can join the 30 day mental cleanse at

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