“Big Al” Skill #22: How to handle problems.

I love to say:

“All businesses have problems. You
simply choose the business you wish to
have your problems with!”

And then I say:

“Women already know this. All men have
problems, you simply choose the man you wish to have your problems with.”

Of course this doesn’t work for men as
women are perfect. 🙂

This helps distributors understand that there will always be problems. And if there wasn’t a problem, well, the company wouldn’t need us.

We can’t avoid problems.

But we can manage how we handle them.

As a leader, if you spend a lot of time handling problems, you won’t have time to build your business. You can’t spend endless hours fixing problems, consoling distributors, and doing busy work.

You have to lead.

We need to master specific strategies to manage problems so that they take the least amount of time. The penalty for not learning this skill is … no freedom.

And isn’t that what network marketing is about? Freedom?

So let’s use our problem skills to get
our team to:

* Step over problems.
* Fix their own problems.
* Go on in spite of their problems.
* Stop filtering their problems through us.

The FortuneNow.com library has many
articles with step-by-step approaches
for fixing and handling problems. Pick
and choose your best way, and start to
free up your time while building

In 48 hours, I’ll show you what Skill
#23 does to help us create the success
we want in network marketing. Watch for the email.


Tom “Big Al” Schreiter

P.S. If you are collecting these
messages, that’s nice. But if you are
serious about learning these 25 skills
and becoming a successful leader in your business, the best option is to go to:


and order everything I’ve done on audio, etc. so that you can loan the CDs to your downline to learn.

From Tom Big Al a powerful lesson on what to do about problems as they arise.
Become a success in whatever you do