“Big Al” Skill #20: Internet marketing and social networking for presold leads.

I received great advice from Art Jonak.
He said:

“Most networkers are part-time. So
instead of joining 10 or 20 social
networking sites, just become good at
one or two. So you might as well pick
the biggest: Facebook.”

I took Art’s advice.

Just think of all the time it would take to just answer email and approve requests if you had to do that every night for 10 or 20 different sites. You would be so busy moving pixels on your computer screen, you won’t have a chance to do your business.

Too many distributors hide behind their computer screens pretending to be working on their businesses. The reality is that they are avoiding their businesses.

Our business is to have quality
conversations with quality prospects. 
Our business is not surfing the Internet and chatting with our friends list.

FortuneNow.com members participate in
our autoresponder courses, our Facebook Fan Page courses, blogging courses, etc.
We try to learn the quickest and most
time efficient ways to make the Internet and social media work for us – instead of stealing our time.

Of course the Internet and social media are constantly changing. That’s a good reason to participate in the FortuneNow.com Discussion Forum.

But if you are just looking to do one
thing better in social media, here would be my advice.

*** Make better headlines and first sentences. ***

If no one is paying attention to you …
well, that’s ugly. 🙂

In 48 hours, I’ll show you what Skill
#21 does to help us create the success
we want in network marketing. Watch for the email.


Tom “Big Al” Schreiter

P.S. If you are serious about learning
these 25 skills and becoming a
successful leader in your business, the best option is to go to:


and order everything I’ve done on audio, etc. so that you can loan the CDs to your downline to learn.

From Tom Big Al wow a powerful lesson on getting focused.
Learn how to be successful

