Stan Richards on Big Ideas

Stan Richards on Big Ideas

Stan Richards, founder of the award-winning advertising agency The Richards Group, believes in finding extraordinary ways to say ordinary things. His company is the brains behind Chick-fil-A’s “Eat Mor Chikin” billboards and the “We’ll leave a light on for you” ad for Motel 6. With his company’s projected billings at $1.28 billion this year, you might be wondering about his ideas on running a successful company:

  • “Nearly every beautiful idea has really ugly parents,” he says. “Training is everything. Our writers and art directors are trained in what they do. You don’t always come up with the right answer and do it quickly and easily. There are times when you have to beat yourself over the head, and stay with it for as long as it takes.”
  • Remove barriers to communication. “Barriers create destructive, competitive behavior. Keep the communication going.”
  • Great ideas need to be likable. “You want respect and a connection between you and the customer.”
  • Discipline matters more than talent. “A strong work ethic can outperform pure talent.”
  • Learn to lose like a kid. “Whatever the disappointment is, mourn it and move on.”

For more marketing content, visit to read Brands to Last: Building a Winning and Enduring Brand

From Seeds of success newsletter, a great article on the power of ideas and where they start.

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