Chapter 13 The Brain

Chapter 13: The Brain

A Broadcasting and receiving station for thought.

The twelfth step towards riches

This chapter spoke to me about receiving messages and communications which will forwarn us of a disaster. However should your mind be in negative then the message will always come across as negative. When a person is in those high negative emotions then quite often this communication is negative, when they are in a extreme negative environment then their communication will be such.

Therefore am needing to work on that positive environment knowing that the environment am currently in is negative with a positive environment from a few places. This will need work and time to allow those positive communications to come through.

Thank you to Michael, Linda, Shelly, Mervyn, Ken and Willena for all your love and support which has assisted me to grow as a person. Thank you to the mental cleanse community which inspires me to be a better person.

I love you all so much,

Ben Drake,

Sydney NSW Australia

Personal Lesson from Think and grow rich chapter 13 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

Learn how to be successful
