Chapter 12: The subconscious mind.

Chapter 12: The subconscious mind.

The connecting link.

The eleventh step towards riches.

Upon reading this chapter it really helps after seeing the effect of two different environments upon myself personally. A positive and a negative environment and seeing the effect that growing up in a exceptionally negative environment had on me as a person. Yet also seeing the growth happening owing to the positive influence of love from own best friend who means the world to me.

Two different environments one of lack and the other of abundance, lack being brought up in a environment of fear and learning to fear so many things. However an environment of abundance where fear is not present yet love is. From the love which has come from own best friend am starting to see fears no longer taking hold. This is a work in progress.

Yes there are a number of fears which am conquering right now and a lot of them have been around a very long time. Only because of programming from the lack mentality rather than the abundance mentality again the positive and the negative. It is time to program more positive rather than negative, to work on rejecting that lack programming and fear.

Programming with the positive emotions rather than the negatives is a work in progress as there are many years of false programming to overcome.

Thank you to Michael, Willena, Ken, Shelly and Mervyn for your guidance and love. Thank you to the entire mental cleanse community for your inspiration and guidance.

Ben Drake

Sydney NSW Australia

Personal lesson from think and grow rich Chapter 12.

Learn how to be successful