“Big Al” Skill #17: “Inclusion vs. Exclusion” Language.

“Big Al” Skill #17: “Inclusion vs. Exclusion” Language.


This is my worst skill.

I need to work on this the most. I

certainly am not an expert here, but I

am a work in progress. 🙂

Maybe this proves that we don’t have to be top level experts in every skill, but at least we should do our best.

My friend, Mark, explains how this

simple change in language almost tripled his group’s results.

Isn’t that what we want?

Here is an excerpt from one of the posts from one of our members at the FortuneNow.com Discussion Forum:

“In studying Perry, I discovered there

are two modes of speech. One is

inclusion, the other is exclusion.

Example: Ask a kid who just walked out

of Disney World how it was and his

response will probably be, “It was


Most parents would say, “It wasn’t bad

at all. It wasn’t as crowded as I

expected, the prices were not too steep,

really not a bad deal at all.”

The child’s language is the language of

inclusion. He is telling you what is

while the parent is telling you what

isn’t. The child’s language is

constructive while the parent’s language

is constraining.

Perry points out that most adults become

habitual users of exclusion language,

which is the vocabulary of doubt,

absence, equivocation and diminution.

I was stunned as I examined this further

because the language of exclusion

creates hesitancy, anxiety and fear,

which we all know is not good for

prospects, reps we are trying to coach,

or customers.


Simply by examining everyday phrases

that I used, I was shocked to find out

how much exclusionary language I used

… Remembering that the subconscious

mind makes all the decisions, I quickly

saw why I was not getting a higher

percentage of enrollments for myself and

for my teammates.

Could it be that simple? I listened to

myself and others for about a week and

then simply changed the phrases I used

all that time from exclusionary to

inclusionary. Enrollments doubled.

Case closed.


Someone asks, “How’s it going?”

Do you say, “I can’t complain.”

Or do you say, “I feel good.”

A rep says, “Can you do this for

me?” Do you say, “No problem.”

Or do you say, “It’s a pleasure.”

When we say “No problem” we are putting

a “No” in the person’s mind and we are

putting the word “problem” in their head.

Remember the subconscious makes all the

decisions. We want them to say “Yes” but

we have put both the word “No” and the

word “problem” into their subconscious

about us.

This may seem minor. Winners use

inclusionary language and get more

enrollments. What is minor is the change

that we need to make. What is major is

the results that it yields.

Exclusion language, remember, creates

hesitancy and anxiety because it’s based

on, subconsciously, what isn’t,

couldn’t, shouldn’t, can’t and won’t.

Exclusion language vs. Inclusion


I can’t complain. Or I feel good.

I can’t argue with that. Or I agree.

I couldn’t ask for more. Or I’m pleased

I don’t see why not. Or let’s do it.

No problem. Or it’s a pleasure.

That’s not bad. Or that’s good.

That’s not what I am saying. Or here’s

what I’m saying.”

In 48 hours, I’ll show you what Skill

#18 does to help us create the success

we want in network marketing. Watch for

the email.


Tom “Big Al” Schreiter

P.S. If you are serious about learning

these 25 skills and becoming a

successful leader in your business, the

best option is to go to:


and order everything I’ve done on audio,

etc. so that you can loan the CDs to

your downline to learn.

From Tom Big Al’s Skill’s emails, a great message on showing the language we use and it’s meaning to others.

Learn how to be successful


