Chapter 9 Persistence

Chapter 9 Persistence

Persistence is being committed to a goal and remaining determined to its achievement. Most people do not have the persistence or determination, even the burning desire to achieve their greatest desires through to the end.

Napoleon suggests that great leaders have been called stubborn owing to knowing what they want and not relenting with such. Not giving up when the times are tough, this is persistence of its own. The hardest part is that have so much pain from relationships that literally cut them all out of own life, although wanted the intermit bond it was not possible as there was such a intense pain created from a number of dysfunctional relationships in the past.

However with determination and persistence have worked as hard as can on letting this go, yes it is still a battle. Yet have also been learning how to be the best partner possible, am working on overcoming barriers which that never had the ability to overcome and also seeing myself growing as a person, after years of learning more and more about creating better relationships from the dysfunctional ones had in youth.

Now its creating those good memories to replace the bad ones, remembering the good times not the bad times a work in progress. Yet also being able to live more now because am feeling safe with one person and can move at a pace that need to. Having experienced so much, knowing that have a loving friend who is happy to speak up and assist. Yet cares about me as as person. Having such has really helped to move through those barriers which never knew how to overcome as a person.

Thank you to Michael, Willena, Ken, Shelly and Mervyn for your love guidance and support. To the wonderful mental cleanse participants who are an inspiration. Thank you to you all and I love you all so much.

Love and hugs,

Ben Drake

Sydney NSW Australia