“Big Al” Skill #16: Presentations and Public Speaking Mastery.

As we grow in our business, we have to

give presentations.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to

figure out:

“If we give great presentations, more

people will buy and join. If we give bad presentations, we will feel embarrassed and broke.”

Was that too direct?

But that is just how it is.

I started as a shy, personality-free,

charisma-bypassed nerd. I could stand up in front of a small group, move my lips, but no sound would come out.

That’s not the path we want to take to

build our business.

So I invested time, money, and a lot of energy learning the skills to give effective presentations. I figured as long as I am going to give a presentation anyway, I might as well make sure they buy or join.

You will spend time in front of

prospects. It is up to you to learn the skills to get your message inside their heads.

If you don’t, you still will have spent the time, but you will earn nothing for your time and effort.

So how big is this skill?

Australian public speaker trainer Mark

Davis and I created a CD just on opening sentences!

Think about it.

We spent one hour just giving different first sentences we could use for presentations.

And that’s just the first sentence.

There is of course more to a

presentation, but the first sentence is pretty important.

So if you decide to refuse to learn the skills to give effective presentations, you will limit your career.

This skill takes time, but we can master it.

Think of what your business would be

like if you had the skill to get your

presentations deep inside your

prospects’ brains, so they would see and understand the good things you say. 🙂

In 48 hours, I’ll show you what Skill

#17 does to help us create the success

we want in network marketing. Watch for the email.


Tom “Big Al” Schreiter

P.S. If you are serious about learning

these 25 skills and becoming a

successful leader in your business, the best option is to go to:


and order everything I’ve done on audio, etc. so that you can loan the CDs to your downline to learn.

From Tom Big Al, a powerful story on the power of presentations

Learn how to be successful
