“Big Al” Skill #15: Sound bites.

Politicians use it. Newscasters use it.

Advertisers use it. Shouldn’t you?

What am I talking about? I’m talking

about “sound bites.”

What are sound bites? They are just

little bits of the conversation that

stand out in the prospects’ minds – and these bits of information are the only things prospects remember.

Here is an example of a sound bite.

When George Bush was running for

president, he made a long campaign

speech to a group. One of the things he said was:

“Read my lips. No new taxes!”

This small part of the speech was

reported in the news for several days.

Everyone knew the phrase,

“Read my lips. No new taxes!”

Can you remember anything else from that long speech? No. All you can remember was the sound bite,

“Read my lips. No new taxes!”

Commercial advertisers know the power of sound bites. They work hard on catchy phrases, repeat them often, and then hope that sound bite will stick in your mind. Some examples?

“Winston tastes good like a cigarette


“Things go better with Coke.”

“Burger King: Home of the Whopper.”

“You deserve a break today.”

What is interesting about the above

examples is that all of them were

created over 20 years ago! We still

remember them.

Sound bites are a great way to

communicate. Prospects will choose to

remember only bits of our presentation.

Make it easy for your prospects. Give

them catchy, easy-to-remember sound

bites that create a desire to purchase

your products or to join your


Let’s get started with some real life

examples of sound bites that I enjoy.

It’s easier to get the feel for sound

bites by experiencing them.

** Weight loss tablets.

Use these tablets to lose weight while

you sit. Enjoy watching your favorite

television program while excess pounds

are just melting away.

These herbal fat burner tablets will

burn away excess pounds even while

you’re eating!

If you want to lose those extra pounds, don’t spend your day suffering and being hungry. Instead, use Product X. It’s like having willpower in a tablet.

Why not lose weight while you sleep?

Enjoy a good night’s sleep while your

body dreams away those excess pounds.

Try our calorie-killer weight loss

tablets now.

** Chocolate breakfast drink.

Instead of cooking and cleaning

breakfast dishes, why not have a

delicious breakfast shake? It only takes

20 seconds to mix and you’ll only have

one dirty glass and one dirty spoon!

How about breakfast for only 80 cents?

And you’ll be getting thin on chocolate!

Instant breakfast that’s faster than a


** Long-distance telephone service.

Make money every time you make a long-

distance call.

Make money every time your neighbor

picks up the telephone.

Earn money while you sleep when other

people are talking on their telephones.

** Nutritional product.

You will be the only person awake and

happy at 9:00 a.m. on Monday mornings.

This product will make you feel like you are 16 years old all over again, but with better judgment!

You will be the only person at work who doesn’t have to take a nap at 3:00 p.m.

in the afternoon.

When you come home from work, you won’t feel like watching television. You’ll feel like dancing!

We call this the “nap buster.”

Instant energy in a capsule.

Attitude in a bottle.

** Water filters.

All water is recycled. This unit just

takes out other people’s contributions.

Chlorine is great for bleaching clothes, but not for our stomachs.

Great tasting water for just three cents a gallon!

Now you can taste clean, clear water.

You won’t have to worry about those

little unidentified objects floating

around in your glass.

** Fiber product.

This is perfect for pizza lovers who

hate eating rabbit food to get their

daily fiber.

Results you can experience in just 24


For hemorrhoid sufferers. You’ll never

have to say “Ouch” again.

The perfect diet supplement. Just take

it 15 minutes before you eat and stop

worrying about weight problems.

** Skin care.

Makes your skin look so good, you’ll

never have to wear makeup again.

Will make your skin look like it’s 16-

years-old all over again, but without

the acne.

Your skin will look so smooth, everyone will want to touch it.

Are you getting the feeling of how sound

bites can work for your business?

All of the above examples were for

products. It’s easy to come up with

three or four great sound bites for

every one of your products or services,

right? Simply pass on these sound bites

to your distributors and watch your

retail sales increase.

But what about opportunity sound bites?

Wouldn’t it be great to have plenty of

opportunity sound bites for prospecting

and presentations?

Of course.

So one of the best skills to learn is

the magic of creating sound bites that

your downline can use for instant


In 48 hours, I’ll show you what Skill

#16 does to help us create the success

we want in network marketing. Watch for

the email.


Tom “Big Al” Schreiter

P.S. “Sound bites” can produce instant

results. We need this skill in today’s

fast-paced world. Want to learn how to

create “sound bites” and the other 24


Simply go to:


and order everything I’ve done on audio,

etc. so that you can loan the CDs to

your downline to learn.

From Big Al’s Skills lessons, a great lesson on sound bites.

Learn how to be successful

