The power of giving.

There is something about me that you don’t know and probably wouldn’t guess…

After September 11, 2001 I joined the military as a Navy reservist (for you military folks I am an E-6). In May 2007, I got the call that as a reservist we all know will arrive and three weeks later I found myself deployed. I spent the last seven months of my life serving during Operation Enduring Freedom in Kabul, Afghanistan. Two weeks before I deployed I was in a luxury suite at one of Salt Lake City’s finest hotels, waiting my turn to speak, and not long after that I was wearing 50 pounds of body armor and carrying an M-16, training in South Carolina for my mission. It was grueling, to say the least.

I served with the bravest and most honorable men and women that I have ever met in my life. They are working 12 hours a day, 7 days a week (I personally went 152 days without a day off), living in rooms smaller than your kitchen with two complete strangers, driving down roads where others were attacked the day prior, and longing for their families.

The pay they receive pales in comparison to the work, but life isn’t all about the pay. If you are reading this newsletter and you didn’t have to slap 50 pounds of armor on this morning to go outside, you didn’t drive down roads avoiding IEDs or lock and load your weapon, remember there are those who did. They are giving so much for others and get very little in return, but they don’t do it for what they get… they do it for what they give.

I encourage you to think about the lesson I learned and that lesson is GIVE. When I am 80 years old I won’t be telling my grandchildren about the seven months of income I lost while in Afghanistan. I will be telling them about the experience of a lifetime, how I served and gave. It was without question the hardest time of my life, but sometimes, when you give, you get more than you could ever expect.

To my friends I served with and many who are still there: It was an honor. I proudly salute your courage and bravery and am honored to call you friend.

Go for More This Week!

Ron White

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From Ron White’s Newsletter, a great article on the power of giving back.

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