Dumb … and a whole lot of empty space between the ears.

Dumb … and a whole lot of empty space between the ears.
Burglars have it all wrong.
They break in a rich person’s house, ignore the books and training CDs in the library, and then steal the big screen television.
How do the rich become rich? Not from watching television.
They become rich from their libraries. And then they can afford the big screen television and other toys.
Do you want your distributors to learn this lesson?
Maybe ask them to do this little exercise before sitting down to mindlessly watch television for hours.
Ask them to ask this question before turning on their television:
“Do I want to watch other people on television earning money … or do I want to learn how I can earn more money for my family and myself?”
And if you don’t have a library or training materials, here is a great solution:
The 25 skills no-cost mini-course:

From Tom Big Al’s newsletter on how the rich managed to become that way and become successful as a person.

Learn how to be successful