Curiosity killed the cat.

Curiosity killed the cat.
You’ve heard this saying, and it is true. Curiosity is a strong, strong motivator.
About 35 years ago, I attended an opportunity meeting as a guest of a friend. The speaker knew how to use curiosity as a close to get prospects to step forward, and make a commitment.
Here is what the speaker did.
As the meeting progressed, the speaker turned page after page from his presentation flipchart in the front of the room. Each page had a better benefit than the page before. Everyone wanted to join as a distributor.
All of a sudden the speaker stopped and said:
“Folks, as you can see, there is much, much more to our opportunity. But I’m not allowed to show the good stuff. We only reveal the really good stuff to distributors who commit to become SuperExecutives.
“If you want to be a SuperExecutive, you have to do this. You have to call your boss and tell him that you won’t be at work tomorrow morning. Then, you’ll have to come back here for a special three-hour training where we will reveal the secret of how to earn the big money you always wanted.”
I looked around the room. Some guests shuffled their feet, but most of the guests had fire in their eyes. They couldn’t wait until tomorrow morning. They wanted to learn the insider secrets, the trade secrets, the big money plan and more.
No one had to close the prospects in that room.
Interesting close, don’t you think?

From Tom Big Al’s newsletter, a interesting article on how we can test to see how committed the prospect is.

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