Chapter 13: The Brain A Broadcasting and receiving station for thought. The twelfth step towards riches

Personal Lesson Plan from Chapter 13 of Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill,

Chapter 13: The Brain

A Broadcasting and receiving station for thought.

The twelfth step towards riches

Our brain is very powerful, they pick up on the thoughts which have been released into the ether from other brains which we are in tune with. This happens when our own brain has been speed up.

When our brain is vibrating at a rapid rate such as from meditation, love, sex or simular it attracts the thoughts which others have released from the ether. Recently had an encounter with such having met someone new and was provided their number however it was not in my mobile phone yet. A hunch came to me put the number in your mobile as they are going to call and you won’t know the number.

This person did after I had put the number in the phone. Having had a few experiences of such happen throughout my own life, yet have never really understood such. Having had such happen owing to a great distance also, I have seen it happen and at times it can interesting what the brain does pickup on. You can pick up that someone is lying have had that happen or know when someone hasn’t told you something. Have had that happen where was talking to a friend who hadn’t said something yet my intuition had communicated such to me already.

When said something they asked what makes you say that, was unable to explain such fully as knew they wouldn’t understand. Our own brain is very powerful and can pickup some very interesting vibrations and thoughts despite not physically being with someone. Distance doesn’t matter when such is involved you will still receive the information from the ether either way.

It has been said that we can receive hunches just in time to warn us, yes know Michael has a great story about such and have heard many great stories about people’s lives being saved because of such. This is when the sixth sense comes into play ah just love such.

Thank you to my wonderful loving mentors who helped me to become a much better person. A stronger wiser person, who have had the guts to say those tough things in a way would hear their words. Michael, Ken and Willena you are the best, great mentors and am so glad to have you within my own life. To this mastermind group a group which has helped me to change my own life when was ready thank you.

Love you all so much,

Hugs and love

Ben Drake,

Sydney NSW Australia

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