Chapter 11: The mystery of sex transmutation. The tenth step towards riches.

Chapter 11:

The mystery of sex transmutation.

The tenth step towards riches.

After reading this chapter things are finally starting to make sense about life for myself. Having had no real motivating love behind me as a person then all have done is just survived as a person. There has been no motiving loving influence for me to succeed as a person. As Napoleon says in this chapter a number of men were not successful until they found that loving influence of their life.

This was a very powerful chapter for myself, with the story about Abraham Lincoln. Now its time to learn to take that energy which have and apply it to the endeavour which have chosen which is the company have associated with as a person. Also a personal family too, yes it’s going to be a learning process however am looking forwards to such.

All can say is that this obstacle was put in front of me so that later in life could learn how to succeed as a person. Knowing that for me am wanting to be successful for the person that needed to become to be a father, husband, lover, foster carer, adopted father, sponsor, having abundant friends and successful in own business and not for the money again for that person needed to become. I must thank Darlene Moore for her lesson from chapter 10 when hearing her lesson on the mental cleanse call it allowed me to finally understand a quote which have heard so many times.

Personal lesson from Chapter 11 Think and Grow Rich – The mystery of Sex Transmutation, a very powerful book.

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