Chapter 10 The power of a mastermind The driving force The ninth step towards riches

Chapter 10 The power of a mastermind

The driving force

The ninth step towards riches

Within each of our lives we all have a mastermind group weather we realise or not. The thing is whether we like it or not we are using a mastermind group when two or more people meet it forms that 3rd brain which puts the mastermind to work.

Looking at own life personally can think of a few mastermind groups which have around – business, health, relationships, volunteer role, mentoring for free and the mental cleanse. That’s a few some are good, some are bad. As Napoleon states choose the members of your group wisely as they will either build you up or drag you down.

Associate with people who are positive and build you up and the sky is limit, associate with people who are negative and drag you down. Then you quite often go downhill, we may plan what we are going to do however our plans are inert unless we have sufficient power to translate these into action.

What does this mean; it means that unless we have sufficient will power to translate things into action then it does not come about. However we must also align ourselves with people who are going to support and encourage our own goals and dreams and not drag us down.

When we associate with the right people many great advantages can occur such as changes within economic status, changes in relationships and so much more, now that am around people who are positive or reading motivating material life has changed. It’s been good to spend more time motivating and positive influences that are motivating and not critical which is what was needed.

These people know how to say those tough things to you encouraging you and not discouraging you as a person. These people are the ones who empower and help you to achieve you own goals within your life. They are the ones we are all seeking within our own lives, everyone can learn from each of these people and having found some that have become some of the best friends that could ask for. They are there to help me to become the guy was intended to be. Some people have met through the mental cleanse, some through my MLM company and to me all of them have attributed to helping me become someone who loves what he does.

Without forming these friendships which have life would have continued to be a lot worse than what it was. Without people having the guts to say those tough things in the right way that makes a person hear what they have to say life would not have changed personally. Yes it has taken some guts from those people yet often it has been for my own benefit, the people who choose the right words and motivate you are those you want in your own life.

As Napoleon states that people take on the nature and habits and power of thought of those who with whom they associate with in a spirit of sympathy and harmony, essentially you hang around positive motivating influences and you are motivated. You hang around the wrong influences and life becomes a mess.

There are so many people who personally could thank for their input and just helping me to own my life again however that would be a good list.

From Chapter 10 Lesson Plan Personal for Think and Grow Rich.

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