Think and Grow Rich Chapter 8 Decision – Personal Lesson Plan

Think and Grow Rich Chapter 8  Decision – Personal Lesson Plan

Bellow is a copy of personal lesson from Chapter 8 of Napoleons Book Think and Grow Rich.

Chapter 8: Decision

The mastery of procrastination

The seventh step towards riches

Recently have been reading a book called “You cant afford the luxury of another negative thought”, a very powerful book. The book has a section titled “If your not actively involved in getting what you want, you don’t want it. This was a powerful eye opener for me, unless am actively working to obtain that thing that I want then have made the decision that do not want such.

At the moment my personal focus is on a couple of areas which want to work on, these are a family of my own, helping people to change their lives, model trains and health. As stated in chapter 7, without a decision or a plan on where we are going we are like a ship without a rudder. It just lands on the rocks.

I recently made the decision that it was time to focus on a family and settle down, that meant creating a plan for doing such. Searching for the person who fitted me best, it meant putting that plan into action. Part of this plan became no more emergency services and shift work life, which have not known. That excites me being able to say hey look I am a civilian again.

What I happened to focus on was this goal of a having my own family and the ability to do anything want with my partner. Having set a goal to be able to do whatever wanted with partner and then deciding to resign from my volunteer role. The date which set as having that ability has come true as it is the date of my resignation. Somehow am being told you are on the right path.

My other goals which am working with are maintaining my personal health and making it the best possible health, would not of been possible without making a decision to be committed to maintaining such. Had I not made the decision to go to the gym to do the work out which do and go for afternoon walks, eat as best as possible then my own health would of declined and then I would have been back where was in the past.

When we make a decision obstacles are removed or moved from our path. Saying this is what want and performing a search for such nightly to find the person would be happy to have as my partner in life takes a decision and a commitment on its own. All it takes is a strong desire, faith, determination, persistence, a plan and willingness to work at it.

The thing is I know am in the right company, have the right skills for my mission in life and knowing that am love has really helped me to focus my life. As stated at the beginning of this chapter by Napoleon Hill “That accurate analysis of over 25000 men and women who have experience failure disclosed that lack of decision was near the head of the list of 30 causes of failure”. Interesting yet its true, when we make that decision and stick with it no one can budge us.

Napoleon also states That the majority of people who fail to accumulate sufficient money for their needs are easily influenced by the opinions of others. When your influenced by the opinions of others you have no desire of your own. This is just such a powerful chapter and shows us how important it is to make that decision and stick with it, how important it is to design our own lives and not let others tell us how we should live.

Ben Drake

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