Chapter 9 Persistence – Lesson

Chapter 9 Persistence

The sustained effort necessary to induce faith.

The eighth step towards riches.

Persistence is being dedicated to a goal or dream no matter what whether it has to do with life, business, relationships, love or simular. Napoleon starts off by saying that persistence is needed within any calling or task should that be love or otherwise. That the basis of persistence is the power of will.

What have learnt from own experience with persistence is so much; people have called me stubborn because know what am after within own life and business. That I am not prepared to give up on such. Personally am seeking love and to be accepted for who am as a person. Am seeking someone who is prepared to accept how limiting that health can be at times and what need as a person.

Its been a search of many years continuing and there have been times that have been thinking have found right person but no they were not right, then getting back up and continuing with search. Now that is persistence in its self, as Napoleon states in this chapter you need to have a definite goal and a plan for working to it’s attainment. Do you have that plan?

You need to build a strong fire under your own desires. You need to know what you want and say am not going to settle no matter what you through at me, no matter how long it takes I am going to do this. The story of Fannie Hurst or Wallis Simpson are great examples of persistence.

Persistence is saying no am not going to settle for anything less than what I want. To me that was a loving, accepting partner. Yet personally had to learn to be the guy who was needed to love her, that was part of the journey. In business it’s the same we must have a plan and just keep to such, tweak as needed and go from there.

With no persistence you are finished before you start, the persistence helps you overcome you challenges. States Napoleon in this chapter.

Personal lesson plan from chapter 9 of Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill