Don’t let your co-workers pull you down to their level.

“Don’t let your co-workers pull you down to their level.”Great headline, eh? If you don’t capture your prospect’s imagination and attention with a great first sentence or headline … you don’t have a prospect. Always think hard about what your first sentence will be. Your career depends on it. And now for some examples: * […]

The two types of prospects – and how to motivate each type.

The two types of prospects – and how to motivate each type.Type 1: Prospects who do things for themselves. You can motivate these prospects by showing them what your products or opportunity will do for them.Type 2: Prospects who do things for other people. You can motivate these prospects by showing them how your products […]

How real people become millionaires.

How real people become millionaires.It happens a lot. A caller pleads: “I’m broke. I can’t afford a distributor kit. I can’t afford your opportunity. I want to become a millionaire. So how do I get started?” The answer is simple: First, become a “hundred-aire.” Second, become a “thousand-aire.” Third, then become a “million-aire.” You see, […]