Learn or Die

Wow what a powerful lesson from Robert Kiyosaki on being a active rather than a passive learner or student. Those who are rich as Robert says are always learning and that is so very true, rather than having things imposed on them they are constantly learning and are unafraid to make mistakes. As when they make a mistake it teaches them a valuable lesson. Yes I have made some huge mistakes and they have just taught me about relationships, love and being a better person.

Yet those who are poor are afraid to make those mistakes, having seen such within own life. There are a tone of people who literally are scared to see you even fail. They are scared of so much and project that fear onto you as a person. The ones who are too scared are the ones who need to work on themselves, the ones who are constantly placing their fear on you have to be let go of and walk away from it. You have to be stronger then they are.

Everybody learns. For instance, in order to make bread, bakers follow a recipe they’ve learned, and even employees at McDonald’s have a formula they must follow in order to be good at their jobs. When it comes to money, the same is true. Most of us have heard the saying, “You are what you eat.” I have a similar saying: “You become what you study.”

via Learn or Die.

From Robert Kiyosaki’s blog on richdad.com

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