M-L-M Success: What Is The Opposite of Achievement?

The following is from the mentoring for free trainings, a powerful post on what is the opposite of achievement. Do you know what the answer is without looking?

HAH! I’ll bet you’re saying, "That’s easy. The opposite of achievement is failure."

Not so fast, pal!

Oh, I can see your point. Failure is definitely the opposite of achievement. But think about this one for a minute:

"The opposite of achievement is perfectionism."

OO-oo-ooh! The more you insist on perfection, the less you will get done. The problem with perfection is, it takes FOREVER to achieve it. There is always, always, always one more thing you can do to get closer to perfect. And there are a ton of MLMers always looking for that "one more thing."

Do you have "forever" to reach your goals?

I’m a big believer in the 80/20 Rule which says that "80% of the result comes from 20% of the effort." In network marketing – or anything else – you are way better off to act now and get 80% of the result, than to wait a day or a week or a month or a year, until everything is perfect.

In the time that passes while you are getting everything right, somebody else will have blundered on ahead and completed 20 or 50 or 300 or 1000 actions, and you will be eating their dust.

Perfection would be great, but here is the price you must pay for it: nothing ever gets finished. The road to success lies in doing lots of the right actions and finishing them – not perfectly, but sufficiently. The more you act on your logical plan, the more achievement you will have.

Perfectionism truly is the opposite of achievement. If you recognize that irony, you’ll be a lot closer to reaching your goals.

From Mentoring for free trainings

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