Your Business Life Expectancy Is About 45 Minutes.

From Michael Dlouhy’s success in 10 steps, you need a very powerful reason why you are doing the business or you are going to quit. You need a darn good reason for doing what you do or it will not work for you at all.

Your Business Life Expectancy Is About 45 Minutes.
OK. You nailed me. That’s an exaggeration.
But not by a lot.
Ninety percent of new businesses fail the first year.
And 90% of the rest fail in the next 4 years.
THAT is tough. You’re excited. You start. A thousand things go wrong. You want to quit a thou- sand times.
Most people just quit.

You need a strong enough reason to do it. Then if
WHAT you’re doing doesn’t work, you’ll figure out
some other way. But if you’re at all wishy-washy,
you’re a goner.

First thing we do in coaching is help you figure out your “WHY”.

Your comments and feedback are important to me. What are your thoughts?
From Success in 10 Steps by Michael Dlouhy, on the power of knowing what is motivating you to be successful and succeed as a person. What is the thing that is driving you to be a success.
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