Relationship Building – Key To Your Network Marketing Success

You need to talk to your front-line leaders regularly. At least every other day. Sometimes it’s 2 or 3 times a day. Make yourself available anytime for 3-way phone calls. Give your team a system to help them find the people and sponsor them into your business. Make yourself available.

At our 35th wedding anniversary on June 21st, we had 2 of our front-line Diamonds at the celebration. And my sponsor My sponsor & his wife flew across the country to attend. Several others from our group were there. And we had a ball.

Here’s what it’s about.

I have a gentleman in my group, awesome guy, he lives up in Monticello, Florida. On our way back from a seminar trip to Houston, Texas, I stopped by to see Richard & Cheryl. They have a big old hickory tree that was leaning towards their home. It got hit by lightning, and it was dead. They were very concerned it could come down, and it’s a couple thousand dollars to have that cut down & carted away.

So I got together one day with Linda & our son Matt & a friend, Lynn Rothfuss, from New Jersey, and we made a day of it. We took a picnic up and we cut the tree down, cut it up, stacked it up for them.

That builds relationships. We just did that to help them. When’s the last time your upline did something like that for you?

That’s what this business is about – it’s about building relationships. We’ll be in business the rest of our lives with Richard & Cheryl. I’ll be in business the rest of my life with all our top leaders. It just goes on and on and on.

You’ve got to build it solid. We just sponsored some awesome people down in Puerto Rico, Nestor & Toni. They’re so excited, they’re going on the MLM Cruise with us. When we come back, we’ll hang out there for 2 or 3 days and do meetings and build them an empire while we’re there. They’ll have it started before that, but we’re going to explode that island.

The Mistake That Many Leaders Make

People are telling their downlines all the time, “You have to change. You have to get out there and sell. You have to become this other person that you aren’t right now.”

The truth is, YOU are perfect just like you are. Everybody on your team is perfect just like they are. They don’t need to change. They don’t need to become a pushy, aggressive salesperson.

Ninety-two per-cent of the world’s population is sales resistant. You don’t like to be sold. You walk into a store, looking for shoes. You want to look around, pick out what YOU want. You don’t want some sales clerk coming around, telling you they have a sale on such & such a shoe. You want to shop & buy what YOU want. Maybe you’ll ask for a clerk, once you’ve decided what you want.

So it’s only about 5% of the people in network marketing who tell the others that they have to change, they have to become this pushy, aggressive salesperson, make a list of your friends & family and go puke all over them, force them into the business.

That Is NOT How To Build Your Business!

My belief is, just target the market and find people who already are looking for the business, people who already believe in network marketing. Don’t go out and try to build them a dream to get them in the business.

It’s kind of like religion. Some people believe in God, some don’t. Don’t try to convince the people who don’t believe in God to believe in Him. And don’t try to convince the people who do believe in God to not believe in Him.

Just go talk to the ones who already believe! Talk to the people who already believe, and are looking. Those people are warriors. Those people are ready to take action. Those people will build an empire. They will build a legacy income for you. Those are the kind of people who will drive 6 hours to your house and cut down a tree for you.

Those are the people you want. Build relationships with those people. Get them into your business, and never, never, never quit building the relationship with them!

All these years in the industry, it’s almost comical to me. I hear so-called heavy hitters talking about building relationships. But the truth is, they don’t have a relationship with their spouse, they don’t have one with their kids, and they don’t have one with their business partners. They rattle on about relationships, but they don’t know how to build one.

Bulletproof Your Income!

What if your company went out of business tomorrow? Don’t laugh – it has happened to many, many people in this business. What would you do? Would you have to start over from scratch?

Well – NOT if you have strong trusting relationships with your people! If you have taken the time and made the effort to build that steel-ribbed “know, like, & trust,” then your people will stick with you. They will follow you to your next company. They will trust in your judgment.

If you haven’t built those relationships, your future is very much in doubt. Why take that chance? Work hard at getting close to every person in your group. That’s a strategy that will pay off for you big-time, whether your current company is around forever or not.

From mentoring for frees success tips by Michael Dlouhy

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