Our friends one of our greatest influences.

Quite often our friends are our greatest influences. When we hang around the wrong influences then our lives tend to go downhill it is the same with family, that both of these people can drag our lives down owing to the power that they have over us. We allow them to have some form of power over us as a person so we end up letting them run our own lives. Quite often our income will match that of our greatest influences as people.

That should we be thinking poverty and hang around people who struggle to pay their bills then we will do the same, should we hang around people who have an abundance whether it’s love, money, skills or otherwise then we become like those people. Sure OK at times we need to learn new skills, however we are taught how to behave by our greatest influences in life. Sometimes it takes having to cut these people out of our lives and say no I am not going to put up with this anymore. Cutting out those negative bad influences and saying no I am not going to put up with this.

There are some good and bad influences out there, the good ones are those people who encourage you to grow as a person they encourage you to become the person you were intended to be. Whist the bad ones are the ones will pull you down to their level, when you hang around something for long enough then eventually you start to attract such. When you hang around people who struggle to pay their bills then you eventually fall into that trap. Your life goes downhill, so when you hang around people who pull you up then you tend to excel. However when they pull you down your life goes downhill weather that is friends or family. Quite often we have been shaped by our friends and family to become the person they want us to be.

Often we have developed our patterns of friendship and habits by the time we reach adult hood. The person who has been hurt constantly by people starts to have few friends owing to trust issues. They however in time learn to trust however it takes a long time. Once you hurt someone it takes work to earn a person’s trust back. It’s the same with most things we need to learn from those who have what we are seeking and then go from there.

Would you like to learn how to create better relationships, you can down load our free eBook or you can visit to be mentored for free on how you can create those lifelong relationships which will help propel your life forwards.

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Ben Drake