
Each of us has a purpose in life which is what we are to do without own lives. What we were placed here to do as a person for our lives. I have personally been learning to be the guy who I have to become for my future. This includes everything I have done and been through as a person, everything has been for my purpose and to teach me a lesson. Sometimes you need to sit down and think ok what’s the lesson here for you. What am I to learn from this essentially?

People enter our lives for a reason; they enter and leave when their purpose within our own lives is complete. Some people stay for a while others do not, yet everything in our lives is quite often designed to teach us something for our future. Weather it means trust the person or do not trust them, life is about learning from those lessons which are part of our own purpose. For years I have been learning my life’s purpose, which is also using my natural talents as a person.

Each of us has a destiny of who we are to become and what we are going to do as a person. For me I have always been out there saving people, helping people, along with my natural talent of being a father, writing, computers and customer service. Interesting yet it’s what happens, that’s who I am as a person. I was meant to work at home, be a father and help people, save people’s lives at the same time.

There are many talents which are part of my purpose also part of who I am as a person and who I have to be for my future self. Completing it all helping people change their lives, saving people and being a father. What talents or things have you been given and lessons have you learned that is part of your life or future. Knowing your purpose helps you to understand what you are too do.

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Ben Drake