Focus and your why

Focus. As I was saying in yesterdays post it’s only when you are really determined to achieve that goal that you will receive the reward of achieving that goal. For me it’s about being laser focused on what you want as a person. Saying ok no matter what this is what I am going achieve and being prepared to pay the price demanded by life to get that goal. Every person has one thing that they really want to achieve in life, one thing that they really want to experience one really big why.

For me I discovered my why a few weeks back. Now I have come to realise that I have focus on that more, it is a very personal big one for me. It means being what I was meant to be, I have discovered also why I have spent years at home with little or no work. It has not been because of health, it’s been owing to the fact that I am a stay at home father, I know that in my life everything I need will ultimately come to me. If I walked out of home today with what clothing I had on and drove to a friend’s place saying I have just left home I’d be accepted and helped to get my feet back on the ground. They would help me as much as they were able to no matter what.

I have lived a life with people, who focus on an emotion called lack, now this caused me to do the same. Right now I know where my focus has to be and I am personally glad about that. It’s time to work on achieving that area of my life and no matter what I will do such.

If you want to learn more about relationships some of the information is available from this eBook.

Be a mentor with a servants heart Ben Drake