Insight of the day quotes
“Reduce your plan to writing. The moment you complete this, you will have definitely given concrete form to the intangible desire.” Napoleon Hill1883-1970, Author of Think and Grow Rich Sent to you as a courtesy of: Josh Hinds Inspirational Speaker, Author, and Coach http://www.JoshHinds.com From Insight of the Day emails Become a success in Network…
Top Network Marketing Secret Revealed On Making Decisions Promptly Today
As appeared on Lawrence Berfelds Blog, thank you to Lawrence Top Network Marketing Secret Revealed On Making Decisions Promptly Today from Welcome To Lawrence Bergfeld’s Blog by mikorte A great network marketing secret revealed is to make your decisions promptly and avoid procrastinating. Or else you will never get around to do what you…
Dianna Mifflin
Dianna Mifflin, Granite City, Illinois Napoleon Hill states in Chapter 12 that you cannot completely control the subconscious mind, but you can influence it. This is why Self-talk is so very important. You know, the GOOD kind, not the guilty, overly critical or self-condescending kind that most people create and listen to all day long.Your…
Elizabeth Metivier
Elizabeth Metivier – Brooklyn, New York Chapter 12 – The Subsconscious MindOur ability to create changes, achieve our goals and to enjoy greater success and happiness depends on our ability to direct our subconscious mind.Our Subconscious mind works day and night.This can be done relatively simply and easily. There are a few factors that have…
Barton Felpe
Barton Felpe – Hawaii Chapter 12 – The Subconscious MindThis is the chapter that has given me the biggest thing to take away from this book. That thing is this: “One does not become money conscious by filling ones mind with negative emotions.”I find it interesting that all of the negative emotions are stagnant. And…
Willena Flewelling
Willena Flewelling – Alberta Canada CHAPTER 12: The Subconscious MindI learned a new word yesterday. My cousin, a chiropractor, posted a picture on Facebook, of his back yard under a foot of new snow. Someone commented that snow shoveling is a “subluxation waiting to happen”. Later, I heard that SAME word on a video of…
David Meyer
David Meyer USA Boise Chapter 12 – The Subconscious Mind: The Connecting LinkMy mentor shared with me a video about a person who transformed his life with yoga recently. He shared this with me to help motivate and inspire me to never give up. It worked. I love hearing about people beating the odds. I…
Agnes Tally
Agnes Tally Fayetteville, North Carolina The Subconscious MindThe Connecting LinkI was on Michael’s call Monday at 3PM when he told about the kind act performed in Sam’s Club. Listening to this story, the kind and generous act of love made me tearful. It made me cry because I had been thinking about my son’s situation…
Bev Bojarski
Bev Bojarski, Cornwall, Ontario, Canada Chapter 12The Subconscious Mind – THE CONNECTING LINKI totally get why I need to go over these lessons many times. Each time more is revealed to me on a higher level of understanding. We learn through repetition from birth, it would be silly to think that we no longer need…
Ken Klemm
Ken Klemm – Florida, USA Beyond the Farm, Part 312. (The Subconscious Mind). The connecting Link? Between what and what? How is the connection made?The connection is always present in stasis – waiting for a CAUSE to react to.CONSCIOUSNESSThe state of Awareness, or Knowing, is Consciousness. Descartes said, “I THINK, therefore I AM.” MIND is…